Why People Aren’t Buying Your Products


Why People Aren’t Buying Your Products

Why People Aren't Buying Your Products

Although this post belongs in the ears and eyes of business, product, or service owners; think about it in your personal life as well.

Sometimes people aren’t buying your friendship, your courtship, your personality or attitude. However, if people aren’t buying your products it really comes down to a couple of things.

The obvious is awareness, but once we get past awareness, and they aren’t running in with money and running out with your stuff it is because they don’t BELIEVE, LOVE, or CARE for it enough.

Starting with believe; they don’t believe you. Your passion is not in it or your knowledge base is not where it needs to be.

They don’t love it. Another product on their way home can do the trick.

They don’t care! You haven’t communicated articulately, emotionally, or enough to make them care or point out why they should care.

This is why people aren’t buying your products. Seth Godin said, “the only things we spend time and money on are things that we believe are worth more than they cost.”

Are your products doing that? If not make the changes.

Are you doing that as a person in your relationship with others? This could be why you’re single or in relationships you don’t like.

Coming soon business counseling but you can still ask a question now by contact me.

Write them Down!


#duedaniels #obtainwisecounsel


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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