Get Your Life Together Gee


Get Your Life Together Gee

Get Your Life Together Gee

This phrase is usually said to someone who makes a big blunder or has a major set back in life, often caused by their own self.

Someone close to them (or not these days) will say, “brother (or sister), you’ve gotta get your life together!”

It is true! When things are in a chronic disarray, you have to get it together as oppose to a specific plan gone wrong where you only have to reset and adjust.

If you’re constantly having bad sh%t happen to you, you probably really need to get your life together. How do you do this?

How do you get your life together in 60 seconds?

The best way is to create your ideal future with a clear vision. I call it the Hollywood approach to my clients. In Hollywood, many producers and directors are given scripts and they normally toss the majority out. The good ones hit the big screen. So what we teach people to do is write out their own script.

Based on their own values we teach they should create a vision (motion picture) for themselves they way they would live an ideal life goings forward in the future. With no limitations or hindrances, imagine what your movie script lifestyle would be.

Put it together, you’re the writer author and creator of the movie and script. Now get your life together gee!

If you’d like help doing this contact me today!

Getting Rich Quick – The New Way Here!

#duedaniels #obtainwisecounsel


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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