Welcome to the Company Who Almost


Welcome to the Company Who Almost

Welcome to the Company Who Almost

People can say stuff like, “he barely made it,” or “she just got in by the skin of her teeth,” however, they are forgetting a major part of their sentence. “Made it,” and “got in!”

There are a lot of people throughout history who have barely made it, who failed over and over and finally won or succeed.

Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Steph Curry, Abraham Lincoln, President Barack Obama, and many more. If you’ve failed but are still looking at your goals and objectives, you are in great company.

In fact, I say welcome to the company of people who almost failed. You’re in, until you’re out. You do until you don’t, but there is a list of great men and women who were ALMOST failures and are known today as winners and champions.

You are more than a conqueror, so keep fighting!

No man or woman ever achieves anything worthwhile who didn’t find themselves at one time or another, hanging well over the brink of failure.

Want to make sure you’re in the company of those who ALMOST failed? You can contact us!

The One Confession We Cannot Disown

#duedaniels #obtainwisecounsel


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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