Watch Your Children Watching You


Watch Your Children Watching You

Watch Your Children Watching You

It is just criminal to neglect children.

Children come into this world and the very people they are most enamored by are their parents, beginning with mom, then dad.

They see themselves as their parents and try to do everything their parents do. What is criminal is that a lot parents are completely blind to the laws of raising their own children.

Parents often lean on an emotional love instead of a structural love when raising their young.

Also unfortunate, most parents really didn’t plan a family, no. They just had a lot of intimate passion for each other for the or “a” moment, and figure they can get along and raise kids in dysfunction as long as they do so with love.

Nothing can be further from the truth.

I watch parent child interaction often, and what I’ve noticed is that children are watching their parents more than parents think. Especially when you’re talking about them.

I saw this young adorable five or six year old girl starring her mom’s gestures, movement, tone, and look. Her mom was talking to me and as I listened, I took glances at her and she was fixed on her mom. She was capturing everything her mom said and did.

Watch your children watching you, and if you know they are, make sure you’re giving them the stuff you really want them to emulate.

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Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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