The Service You Render to Others
Everything we have is a direct result of the choices we’ve made in life. Part of those choices are directly related to the services we’ve rendered to others.
Serving others is not charity or just washing someone else’s feet as a humble kind gesture. Instead, serving or service is the act of rendering something to someone else that serves a valuable purpose in their life.
The space we occupy and the authority we finally a blessed to attain is mathematically measure, according to Napoleon Hill, to its’ exactness by the service we render to others.
Are you giving? Are you improving other people or just yourself. Are you smiling at people and helping them without wanting anything back in return?
Have you educated yourself enough to be able to give and have you systematize your gift to be able to serve in an organized state?
These are questions you should answer to yourself, and remember what you have is based on choices, choices to serve or be served is what you will have to decide on.
If you need any help with this, contact us!
Creating a Culture of Yes, Not Yes-Men!