This podcast is not about bad money ideas as a bad idea for business, bad idea for an investment, bad idea on a purchase of purchase or business purchase. Instead this short podcast is about bad money ideas in your mind. Money ideas in your mind as in the things that you have learned over your childhood and over your adult life that has given you your perception and ideas about money that have shaped the way you view money and your ability to make money or have money.
It is a very interesting concept when you look at the methods in which people make money today. There are two main ways to make money; they are by people working or by money working for you. However the ability to make money resonates in the self image. The way you view yourself is the way you will be able to attract things to you as far as in the law of attraction. If you believe you are the best Bible teacher in the world then you are going to attract the best Bible students, those who are eager to learn the teachings of the Bible.
If you believe you are a great business owner, and that is the image in your mind then you will attract a great business with great customers and great business partners. So this podcast talks about bad money ideas how you can get the bad image of money that you may have in your mind out and replace it with a positive image of money so that you can attract the type of money you really want in your life.

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