There Are No Shortcuts to Success Except


There Are No Shortcuts to Success Except

Most people don’t want to realize this, but the reality is that there are no shortcuts to success.  Some argue there are, like getting a great resourceful business partner, getting inherited money to start or further your business… the real shortcut is in what and who you know.

What you know will come from books and people!

Who you know will come from books and people!

You’ll need a mentor and you’ll need to be fully educated in the fields you plan to go into, but you’ll also need to be educated in other fields. This is what this video is about, there are no shortcuts to success except to simulate as much as you can by learning from other people!

there are no shortcuts to success

Is that alright? GOOD!

Leave me a comment about how being around a certain person or reading a certain book has helped you shortcut a process or difficulty in your life.

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Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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