Taking No Thought


Taking No ThoughtIn the Bible, there are a lot of scriptures that pertain to helping us improve life, business, professional, and personal altogether. In particularly, Jesus said to take no thought of your life regarding what you are going to eat, what you going to drink, what you’re going to wear; because life is much bigger than what you’re going to eat.

Life is much bigger than what you going to wear, people have made life all about that material stuff and in the process we’ve forgotten how to rule ourselves by ruling our thoughts.

You don’t have to worry about your needs, and likewise, if you transfer the same faith you have for your needs to your wants and desires, you will be operating on absolute faith.

If we think of ourselves as children of God, children of the Universe, children of the Ultimate Intelligence, then we can learn by what the Universe has done with us through our children. I’m fortunate to have kids and in observing them, I realize a few things from young kids, (shoot) even most teenagers. They normally take no thought of food, clothing, shelter, or any of the common “needs” we typically have. Thousands of people worry about these common needs everyday.

Taking No Thought

They (children) have the absolute faith that they will receive the things they need from their parents. When it comes to a want or desire, such as a toy, fancy gadget, they simply come and ask me for it. Normally, I can tell from their level of faith, enthusiasm, and persistence if they are going to get what they are asking for from me. And I know when they do receive what they truly wanted; they will have the smile on from ear to ear and the face of gratitude on them.

I love that level of faith and gratitude, and that is what I’m reminded of when I think of the phrase, “taking no thought.” You don’t have to worry about your needs, and likewise, if you transfer the same faith you have for your needs to your wants and desires, you will be operating on absolute faith. Absolute faith in yourself, is absolute faith in your Creator and nothing beats that. I should make the point that taking no thought is not exactly not to think about food, clothing, shelter, but rather not to worry about not having food clothing and shelter.

The animals don’t worry about it; they are instinctive about their needs knowing the Creator will provide. They are taking no thought of what they will eat, drink, and wear. And the thing about all of this is that we are much better than the animals of the field because we are made after the image of the Creator.

Absolute faith in yourself, is absolute faith in your Creator and nothing beats that.

You do want to take thought in the sense that you think about how gracious the Creator is to you for the food, drink, clothing, house, job, business, friends, family, and all the beautiful wonders of life the Creator has bestowed upon you! You have to focus on the good, focus on what you want, and if hardships come your way, be thankful you found a way to get through them to get back to the goodness of the Creator. Taking no thought, means don’t think about how you’re going to eat, drink, and dress, simply think and know you will be because the Creator has you.

Think of how well you are dressed, how  well you eat, and how well you live and you’ll have those things operating out of complete faith.

Peace and blessings,

Due Daniels

“Mental Scientist…”

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25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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