If you ask the average Christian if they believe or have faith in God, you’d get a resounding YES, “well of course I do,” they would respond.
Then you could ask them if there is something in their life they don’t have, yet they know they easily could have if they petition their God for it.
Most people would respond “yes, there are few things I don’t have yet they are right there for me to grab…” yet they don’t.
Why don’t they?
Here it comes… they don’t believe they can have it. These “faithful” Christians (or any other religion) can believe in many things except their ability… their God’s ability to do something for them.
- It may not be the time…
- We have to wait on the Lord…
- God’s timing…
All the phrases that work as alibis and excuses… Why do I say that?
…because we could ask have they prayed for it… have they gone into deep devotion for whatever it is they want? Are they still actively working towards it? Maybe not…
In Mark chapter 9 there were these set of verses…
23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
If you can believe, all things are possible to him (or her) that believes. Belief is to have total faith and expectancy of a thing.
The man who Jesus was speaking with was in tears like many Christians are in tears… because they know it can be done… but they don’t know how to know it will be done!
So what do you do at this point?
You ask or pray for more faith. For the ability to have even more faith than you do… and this comes only by focusings with intensity on the end result of the thing you desire.