Amazon and Jeff Bezos Sell Everything


You can buy everything you need and want from online from a store that sells… everything!

The Everything Store Book Read

I purchase from often or at least search items from them. The concept they have is an ideal concept especially for the internet age we are in today. If you have business acumen, learning from the founder and CEO of Amazon will be a great idea and model to build yourself after. I took away a few things in reading this book and here they are below.

Here are my book read major takeaways:

Number 1

Start early. Jeff Bezos was put in a school as a child that encouraged creativity, intelligence, and reading. Bezos who read a lot of books as a child, was amazed to learn a fellow student was reading 12 books a week. Start your kids early and if you’re just now learning this for yourself, start reading or finding ways to read and gather valuable information (like this blog or book club) to use for your business or personal growth.

Number 2

Get personal with your vision and so-called competitors. Bezos had a vision that would be an online store people can buy anything they need from. It started with books, but ventured out from there. He kept his vision no matter how cloudy and dark it looked. He kept the vision even-though the internet dotcom bubble burst and thousands of companies and investors fell through the cracks.

He got personal because he knew people were waiting to laugh, and waiting to tell him, “we told you it wouldn’t work!” Nevertheless, he was very calculated and planned out, and stayed the course by getting personal with his vision.

Number 3

Hire the best! Jeff Bezos focused on hiring the best people. Applicants for Amazon had to be smart, sharp, and skillful. In business, recruit the best and hire people are are extremely sharp! No slouches, no cowards, no lazy people; Bezos would ask applicants questions like, “how many mountains are in the world,” or “how many cars are there in the world?” He wasn’t looking for the right answer, he was looking for how you answered. Did you think or did you say something like, “that’s impossible to find out!”

Number 4

For businesspeople mainly, but for everyone in their family or personal lives, create a work culture. The work culture at was slavish nearly, but very hardcore. Your family life could not exist at and applicants knew that walking in the door, especially for higher leveled jobs. In your business or life, you want to create an atmosphere and culture in which people come to work with. Bezos atmosphere was, leave your smiles and bubbly behavior at home or in the car!

The Everything Store of Jeff Bezos

This is what I pulled away, you may grab more if you read the book. If you do, come back and leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by, feel free to share it with one person you love and you can learn more about other subjects and books by joining our Book Read Club.

Get a copy of the Everything Story from the Everything Store… Amazon


Due Daniels



Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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