Tagline: Who Are You?

In many respects, people use to be original. They use to be able to let you know it’s them, without opening their mouths. Now they have to shove it down your mouth like a … well like a baby refusing their green smushed veggies.

Tagline: A tagline is the first thing people think about you when they see you. You know how you see certain people… like here comes “Mr. Annoying”


Here comes “Super Smooth” … There are people you want to be around because you can’t wait to hear their laugh… you can’t wait for them to do that thing that magnetically attracts you and makes you feel … so at home with them.Taglines and Bumpers

In the entertainment world, shows do this, even radio… they call them “bumpers!” It’s that little thing that let’s you know you’re in the right place. In today’s age, I believe we all can have them. It can be for a company or an individual.

So what’s your tagline? What are people waiting to get around you for?

Let me know!


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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