Not Making Your Money Automatic is a Mistake Most people are not use to putting things on automatic. The moment you earn money, you need to put that money automatically in different account categories. Bestselling author and financial advisor David Bach teaches the worst mistake people make financially. Of course if you need more detail on this, […]
Tag: Money
Emotions Money and Women
Emotions Money and Women I was near a pond and saw a duck violently chasing another duck and it was very interesting to see. I wondered what the chase was about. I thought, since they are ducks and don’t have the human lifestyle we have, so I figured it couldn’t be about money. So […]
I’m Not Sure What I Want
I’m Not Sure What I Want I was talking a friend last weekend and he spoke about wanting to make more money and possibly get off his bus driving job. I sensed he was serious but not at the point where he’s going to take serious action every day, so I thought I’d use […]
The Easy Part
A study asked a million people what they all wanted in life. Everyone wanted money, freedom, prestige, health, power, and praise.* I’m willing to bet, and I’m not a betting man, that you want at least two or three things on that list. So it is needless to say we all know what we […]
Getting a Financial Consultant | Day 14
Getting a Financial Consultant Welcome to day 14 of the 30 days to turn your life around challenge with your host Mr. Due Daniels… Today we want to set up a financial system to manage and invest and spend the money that we make and also bring in better ways to increase our incomings. […]
The Simple Science of Money | Day 12
The Simple Science of Money Welcome to day 12 of the 30 days to turn your life around challenge. Today we need to learn about money and the simple science behind it. I learned this from a guy name Mark and he had a course where he explained to me the simple science of […]
Get Your Financial Health Together: How to Turn Your Life Around in 30 Days
Get Your Financial Health Together Today we are going to get a quick review of the previous ten days and then we’re going to move right into day 11. Today we want to evaluate our self worth financially and also establish our financial goals. The way we’ve moved is knowing where we are… knowing […]