Throwing Stuff in Rages of Anger Scottie Pippen once went off into a horrible rage of anger after the referee, Joey Crawford, missed a call and then called Scottie for a call. Scottie upset must have uttered something despicable and caught a technical. At this point, Scottie was still upset inside, but the storm […]
Category: Taking Responsibility
Starters and Finishers
Starters and Finishers Anyone can start something, but only the thoroughbred will finish. The Bible says, “many are called, but few are chosen.” Many athletes can start, but only the strong finish. We used to say it didn’t matter who was announced as the starter for our bball team back in the day. We […]
The Reason Why Most Things Aren’t Secure
The Reason Why Most Things Aren’t Secure Your life’s direction depends on a definite chief aim. When you come up with one, it will have great psychological and economical benefits in doing so. However, even if you have selected a definite chief aim, you still must hold onto one dear fact. This fact is […]
Responsibility and Fault
Responsibility and Fault Popular song or rap song came out back in the 90s, where an artist named Mystikal coined a song titled, “It Ain’t My Fault.” We’re not going to go into the song details, but what the hook screamed is what lots of people think every day. When something happens, people are […]