All Anyone Will Require From You It’s not a Facebook account, it is not your allegiance, it is not your devoted effort to their life. Nope. All anyone will require from you in business, career, or relationships is a sound mindset. If you’re troubled by too many things, you won’t be a good employee, […]
Tag: Napoleon Hill
Listening to Positive Audio – Day 7 of 30
It’s not everyday that someone gives you a positive pep talk… sometimes you have to give yourself one or better yet become the person who gives the positive pep talk. How can you give a positive pep talk if you’re full of negativity. You can give a positive pep talk unless you’ve filled your […]
Becoming Consistent with your Business
The difference between the strugglers and jugglers from the movers, shakers, and bakers’ in business is summed up in one word; consistency. Becoming consistent with your business, be it a small traditional business, a MLM program, or online affiliate marketing deal; you have to learn to be consistent. Once you’ve taken courses, and patterned out […]