Your Personal Stickability Your personal ability to stick to things will count in this life. Many people say they want to do things, but when they start it may start out well however adversity will show up. Your ability to stick with goals and objectives or things that you have put your name on […]
Category: Habits
What’s Your OST?
What’s Your OST? I began reading a book by Alastair Campbell, and I won’t review the book here because I merely began reading it a few days ago. At any rate, Campbell lays out something that all winners in the world have. They have an OST. What is OST? Winners have an objective or […]
Best Ways to Wind Down and End Your Day
Best Ways to Wind Down and End Your Day We all don’t have the settings or environment in the pics below, but we can still wind down just the same. There are morning rituals, and daily rituals, but what about evening and nightly rituals to be most effective. Sometimes our mornings are not good […]
How to Create Good or Bad Habits
How to Create Good or Bad Habits Get a journal and declare something in your life and learn how you can create a new habit that sticks with Natalie MacNeil. Good practical stuff that will help you out! What do you think about Natalie?… Beside that she’s hot fellas! How to Change the Way […]
Remember Punctuality
Remember Punctuality Rules of engagement states that when you have to be somewhere and more importantly, when you make an agreement or appointment to be somewhere or with someone; you must obey punctuality. You have to put on your “I’m responsible” hat and be on time. It may look small or be a small thing […]
How to Program the Subconscious Mind
How to Program the Subconscious Mind? Bob Proctor lays out the simplest way anyone can program their subconscious mind and directly change the results they get in life. This is a wonderful lesson you should learn today and teach to your children. Need assistance programming your mind? You can contact us! Welcome to the Company […]
The One Confession We Cannot Disown
The One Confession We Can Disown The things we say, write, do, indulge in, all the way back to the fabrics of our thoughts serves as an inescapable evidence of the very nature and spiritual essence of who we are. These things are rooted deeply and imbedded in our hearts and makes us who […]