Faith in Self is Only 10% of Equation


Having faith in yourself is only 10% of the belief to results equation. It is vital to have 100% faith in the Supernatural, that is in the Creator. Full faith in the Creator will establish you in expecting to receive what it is you need, want, or desire. Therefore, you must believe in yourself and believe in the Ultimate Intelligence (God, Creator, etc).

…with us being physical beings, we know that that will be done through us. Therefore, we must have full faith in ourselves.

The game is 90 percent mental, that is spirit, thus you must have full faith that your Creator or the Universe can provide what it is you want. The remaining 10 percent is physical; and with us being physical beings, we know that that will be done through us. Therefore, we must have full faith in ourselves. I hope you enjoy the video.

Share it, tweet it, post it onto your Facebook walls, and be blessed. Peace and blessings,

Due Daniels

“Mental Scientist . . .”

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Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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