What Would You Ask a Genie For?


WHAT WOULD YOU ASK A GENIE FOR?Most people don’t even know what it is they really want. We see this poked fun at in TV shows and commercials; a genie will pop up and ask a person what they want… and they will respond something stupid like a lifetime of free hot dogs… and people are like WTF!!!

Did that dude just ask for a lifetime subscription of free hot-dogs?? Yep, his house is unpaid, his car is on the last leg, and this “MoFo” just asked for life time of hot dogs. Well, if the question was asked to the average person, they would have asked for something just as silly because the average person does not know exactly what they want. This is what today’s podcast is about…

Knowing what you want, it is the key to getting what it is you want!


Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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