If you’re not a billionaire, with amazing relationships with your spouse and kids, and in VIBRANT shape and health, with managing your wealth with wise vigor, giving with humility and charity, and helping millions of people out daily (in some form), you’ve probably not hit the secret code of success!
Well that is a bit of a stretchable statement, the reality is if you haven’t gotten to where you thought you should or could be, it is probably because you’re missing a piece or all of the secret code to success. Do you want to know the secret code to success? View this video…
Want to Know the Secret Code to Success?
This book by Noah St. John does spell it out in a different way. One of the chief things he mentions in the book is that, really successful gurus teaching success principles or how they did something can’t really teach it to you effectively because of unconscious competence. This is, they have success without conscious thought, so it is difficult to explain “why to,” so they focus on “how to.” It is impossible to solve a “why-to” problem with a “how-to” answer.
This book is comprehensive and should answer why you may not have burst into the success field in the way you want. Do you agree with Noah St. John’s secret code of success?
Purchase the Secret Code of Success on Amazon
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