Do the Work and Work Hard Stay working hard, do the work, don’t be scare to work hard. Destiny, demands diligence in the world. How to Stay Positive When You’re Really Not #duedaniels
How to Stay Positive When You’re Really Not
How to Stay Positive When You’re Really Not I’m impressed with Drew’s videos since he’s done like most health gurus, they segway into personal development and mindset. In this video Drew shows you how to stay positive even when you don’t feel like it. Drew does Mindset Mondays! The purpose of mindset monday is […]
Difference in Temporary Defeat and Failure
Difference in Temporary Defeat and Failure The man or woman who understands the difference between temporary defeat and failure is very fortunate in their learning and understanding. They understand that defeats are learning processes. A good NBA team will lose 20 to 30 times in a given season, yet that team may still win […]
Giving Useful Service is Fulfilling Purpose
Giving Useful Service is Fulfilling Purpose Everyone born into this great world has been given the natural ability and genetic programming to become a great person with a great future. The only problem with this is that the programming of their genetic potential and ability will never develop fully, much less grow and mature, […]
The Brilliance of Age Over Youth
The Brilliance of Age Over Youth I was at a Bulls game in 1998; my collegiate teammates and I were granted tickets by our university to a Milwaukee Bucks game versus the world champion Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. The game was in Milwaukee. We were in town playing against the […]
The Straight-A Conspiracy Theory
The Straight-A Conspiracy Theory Geniuses aren’t born, they are created and this book shares this to a great degree. It is similar to the book Bounce. Parents take note, don’t brand your children’s grades by calling them what they were last year or in the past. What do you think about this? Are […]
The World History of Agriculture
The World History of Agriculture One of the most important things to learn is agriculture. Agriculture, according to Google, is the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. One of human’s basic needs […]