Turn Your Life Around in 30 Days – Day 5 – Being Grateful


Being Grateful

This is a breather day in turning your life around in 30 days by revisiting the things we’re thankful for. Write out the things you’re thankful for and always be thankful for them.

Continuing in the mode of success, we’re onto day 5 of the “turn your life around in 30 days,” with step by steps given by Due Daniels, a guy who turned his life around in 30 days… and he’s practically giving the 30 day step formula he used to do this successfully.

Today we want to incorporate something people don’t do everyday. At best, they will do this once a week and that is if their pastor preaches on this topic to them. It is being grateful for at least three things or people on a daily basis. It is best that you write it out and  read it so that it … sinks into your heart, that is your subconscious mind.

So this is a short video, but it is one of the most important ones we have. Do the homework assignment, and we’ll see you tomorrow for day six. Peace and blessings

Due Daniels

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Internet Author & Entrepreneur. Changing lives and learning through sharing wisdom that helps others achieve worthy goals.

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